Benefits and Rewards

Welcome, Molina Healthcare of Nevada (Molina) members!

With your Molina Nevada Medicaid and Nevada Check Up benefits, you’ll get standard benefits like those listed below. Some of these benefits will require Prior Authorization and others will not.

To request Rewards and Enhanced Services contact the Wellness Rewards Center at  (833) 685-2117 (TYY 711), visit or download the My Molina app. 


A Prior Authorization is different than a referral. It means that Molina Healthcare of Nevada (not your network PCP or behavioral health provider) must give you approval before we will cover a specific service or an out-of-network provider. If you don’t get prior authorization, Molina Healthcare of Nevada may not cover the service.

All rewards and enhanced services may have exclusions or limits. Members must have Molina Healthcare of Nevada Medicaid as their primary insurance at the time of service to qualify for Rewards and Enhanced Services. Rewards and Enhanced Services must be claimed within 90 days after the services are received.