News & Updates
News & Updates
Our communications are a great way for providers to receive helpful information, education, important updates, and more! Our goal is to provide information to help you care for Molina Healthcare members. Please contact us at with suggestions or comments on how we can best communicate with you.
Coming soon
It is important to Molina Healthcare and your patients that your provider directory demographics are accurate. The State of Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services (NE DHHS) assigns a Provider Medicaid ID number to each Provider address. The Provider Medicaid ID number/ address/ NPI combination along with the Group NPI and Tax ID on file with Molina, must match the information that is on file with NE DHHS for claim payment; therefore, all changes should be made through the NE DHHS website. Discrepancies in information can impact claims payment and result in claim rejection. To prevent issues, please follow these steps:
1. Visit our Provider Online Directory to validate your information with Molina is the same as your information on file with NE DHHS.
2. Corrections, add/changes to Group affiliations or locations, or updates to Tax ID, etc. must be completed on the NE DHHS Provider Data Management System (Maximus) and will be sent to Molina. Please visit the NE DHHS Provider Data website to make changes.
3. Please notify NE DHHS and Molina Healthcare at least 30 days in advance when you have any of the following:
• Change in office location, office hours, phone, fax, or email
• Addition or closure of office location
• Addition or termination of a provider
• Change in Tax ID and/or NPI
• Open or close your practice to new patients (PCPs only)