Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - The Molina Blog

September 08, 2023 / Molina Healthcare

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. In 2023, the American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 288,300 new cases. Find out who is at risk, the common symptoms and more, here.

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National Breastfeeding Month - The Molina Blog

August 24, 2023 / Molina Healthcare

Do you plan on breastfeeding? Breastfeeding may look different for every mother. If you have trouble breastfeeding, do not get frustrated. It is a learning process. August is National Breastfeeding Month and a great time to learn more.


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National Immunization Awareness Month - The Molina Blog

August 09, 2023 / Molina Healthcare

Doctors recommend certain vaccines to protect your children’s health and your own. August is National Immunization Awareness Month—the perfect time to talk to your doctor about the immunizations you need. 


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woman using laptop - The Molina Blog - Important Medicaid Eligibility Reminder

July 20, 2023 / Molina Healthcare

It’s more important than ever to make sure your Medicaid eligibility is up to date. Why? Because it used to be that everyone had to renew Medicaid regularly. Then the pandemic hit. Renewals paused. And everyone stayed covered. Now renewals are back, and you need to ensure you still qualify! Read on to find out how.

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woman wearing glasses The Molina Blog - Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Mental Health Month

July 12, 2023 / Molina Healthcare

Are you going through a tough time, feeling anxious, sad or showing signs of depression? It might be time to get professional help. Asking for help is hard. Sometimes you do not realize it, but your background and cultural identity shape the way you look at mental health.
This July, it is important to recognize the challenges that Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities face in terms of mental health.


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