Crystal Coates

TMG IRIS Consultant Biography

TMG IRIS Consultant Name: Crystal Coates
Joined TMG: January 2024
Phone Number: 844-864-8987


Location & Experience

Other Experience:
Prior to coming to TMG, I worked for Milwaukee County as an Medical Billing Assistant in the Behavioral Health Department. Also, I have 10 plus years working in various social services settings, so I have extensive experience working with variety of populations. 
County/Region I'm Familiar with: Milwaukee
Languages or Communication Skills: English

More About Me

How do you Partner with people to 'clear the path ahead'? 
By assisting with identifying short term/long term goals to help with remaining/achieving independent. 

What's your favorite thing about being an IRIS consultant? 
Being able to assist individuals to live and enjoy fulfilling lives. 

What past experience prepared you to become an IRIS Consultant? 
I have experience working with individuals who need support or guidelines to achieve their goals and feel fulfilled. 

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
I like to read, go to Broadway show/musicals, and travel.