Alexandra Edwards - TMG

TMG IRIS Consultant Biography

TMG IRIS Consultant Name: Heather Ryan
Joined TMG: August 2012
Phone Number: 844-864-8987


Location & Experience

Other Experience:
Prior to working for TMG, I spent 17 years working in adult family homes, supported apartments and as a daily living skills specialist. Therefore, I have extensive experience working with people living with developmental and physical disabilities, dual diagnosis and older adults. 
County/Region I'm Familiar with: Milwaukee 
Languages or Communication Skills: English

More About Me

How do you Partner with people to 'clear the path ahead'? 
Partnering is about learning who a person is and what will help them be as happy, healthy, and safe as possible in their community. I will work with the person to develop a plan that addresses their goals and helps them utilize community services to get the care and support to realize those goals.

What's your favorite thing about being an IRIS consultant? 
I am very familiar with service, supports, and programs in Milwaukee County. I love being able to connect individuals to those resources to help them live a more happy and independent life.

What past experience prepared you to become an IRIS Consultant? 
Prior to coming to TMG I spent 17 years working with individuals with developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis. I have worked in an adult family home, supported apartments and as a daily living skills specialist. I have also worked with individuals that are older and people with physical disabilities. I also have a younger brother with a disability.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, renovating my home, and being outdoors connecting with nature.