Alexandra Edwards - TMG

TMG IRIS Consultant Biography


TMG IRIS Consultant Name: Marta Collins
Joined TMG: October 2015
Phone Number: 844-864-8987


Location & Experience

Other Experience:
Prior to working with TMG, I worked for almost 8 years with the Children's Long Term Support Waiver. Therefore, I have experience working with children experiencing developmental, physical and severe emotional disabilities.
County/Region I'm Familiar with: Walworth
Languages or Communication Skills: English


More About Me

How do you Partner with people to 'clear the path ahead'? 
Partnering with you means being your ally, teammate, and supporter. By working together, we can make sure you have everything you need to meet your goals.

What's your favorite thing about being an IRIS consultant? 
My favorite thing about being an IRIS Consultant is getting to know you, hearing your story, and then becoming part of your journey. I believe that personal empowerment is the greatest gift you can give yourself, so my biggest reward is when you feel happy, powerful, and healthy.

What past experience prepared you to become an IRIS Consultant? 
Prior to coming to TMG, I worked with individuals in the Children's Long Term Support (CLTS) Waiver for 7.5 years. I had the opportunity to work with children with developmental, severe emotional, and physical disabilities and their families across multiple counties. I gained experience coordinating various social, community, and mental health services, as well as, establishing effective working relationships with providers and vendors. I also learned the importance of having the ability to adapt to change and the unexpected.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
In my free time, I love to be surrounded by family and friends. I have a passion for trying new foods as I was a very picky eater as a child, so I love whipping up new recipes in the kitchen with my husband or trying out new restaurants. I also love live music. I'll take any opportunity to check out a new artist at a coffee shop or see a band perform at Alpine Valley or the House of Blues in Chicago.