Alexandra Edwards - TMG

TMG IRIS Consultant Biography


TMG IRIS Consultant Name: Nicole Danca
Joined TMG: September 2024
Phone Number: 844-864-8987


Location & Experience

Other Experience:
Prior to coming to TMG, I worked at Workforce Resource for five years. I have experience in job development, workforce readiness, employment for people with disabilities and assisting youth in transition.
County/Region I'm Familiar with: Barron, Polk
Languages or Communication Skills: English


More About Me

How do you Partner with people to 'clear the path ahead'? 
I partner with people to assist them in the best way possible so they have the services/resources they need. I am a great listener and want what's best for the people I serve.

What's your favorite thing about being an IRIS consultant? 
My favorite thing about being an IRIS Consultant is allowing people to have options and choose the route of their life. I also like visiting people in their own environment.

What past experience prepared you to become an IRIS Consultant? 
My past work experience prepared me to become an IRIS consultant because of the multi-cultural group of people I served/worked with. It allowed me to learn how to efficiently build working relationships with co-workers, the people I served, and agencies in the area.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, watching/playing sports, taking walks outside, and playing with my dog Gracie.