Getting To Know You

Getting to Know You

Before the first in-home visit with your TMG IRIS Consultant, take a few minutes to think about your answers to these questions. The information you share will help your IRIS Consultant get to know you better, so they can partner with you to create an IRIS plan that will help you address your needs and reach your goals. Here are some things to consider before your first visit with your TMG IRIS Consultant:

What should your TMG IRIS Consultant know about communicating with you? 

  • Do you prefer to communicate by phone or by email?
  • What is a good time to contact you by phone?
  • Do you use an interpreter, an assistive device or assistance from others?
  • Do you use large-print materials or need help reading your mail?

What people are most important to you in your life? 

  • Who do you rely on when you need help?
  • How do they support you?

Is there someone who helps you make decisions? 

  • Is that person a spouse, family member or friend?
  • Do you have a guardian or someone with Power of Attorney or Power of Attorney for Health Care?
  • Do you have a Supporter to assist you with supported decision making? 

What’s a typical day like for you? 

  • What do you like most about your life right now?

If you could change one thing about your life, what would that be? 

  • How would that change make your life better?
  • How might you go about making that change?