TMG is committed to providing access and equal opportunity in the delivery of services to participants in programs that TMG administers and for its employees. People who are participants in Medicaid programs have rights and protections under civil rights laws, including, but not limited to:
Civil Rights Policies
For more information about TMG’s civil rights policies, please see TMG’s Equal Opportunity (EO) Policy Statement (English, Hmong, Russian, Spanish) and the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policy Statement (English, Hmong, Russian, Spanish).
The EO and LEP policies are available in alternate formats upon request (such as additional language translations, large print, on tape, Braille) by calling TMG at 608-255-6441.
Civil Rights Complaint Procedure
If you feel that you have been treated differently because of your age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic testing, political belief or affiliation, marital status, familial or parental status, or disability or association with a person with a disability, you may file a complaint.
Please see the Civil Rights Complaint Procedure or you may also report a complaint directly to Molina Healthcare, TMG’s parent company, via Alertline or calling 1-866-606-3889.
Please also see the Civil Rights Notice.