TMG Newsletter

TMG's Newsletter, The Path Ahead

Stay up to date with The Path Ahead by clicking here to sign up to have future issues delivered to your email inbox! Read The Path Ahead for stories about the people enrolled in the TMG IRIS Consultant Agency and the different resources helping them to self-direct their lives. Click on the thumbnail below to download the latest issue!

Volume 16, Issue 1 –Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Edition

Bridge Walkway Spring Day

Volume 15, Issue 2 – Caregiver Edition

Walkway on Autumn Day

Volume 15, Issue 1 – Celebrating 15 Year of IRIS Edition

The Path Ahead 15 Years of IRIS Cover

Volume 14, Issue 3 – Creating Connections Edition

The Path Ahead Newsletter - Creating Connections Edition

Volume 14, Issue 2 – Microenterprise Edition

Volume 14, Issue 1 – Financial Wellness Edition

Volume 13, Issue 3 – Assistive Technology Edition

Volume 13, Issue 2 – Integrated Employment Edition

Volume 13, Issue 1 – Building Community Edition

Volume12, Issue 3 – Employer Authority Edition

Volume 12, Issue 2 – Staying Strong with Self-Direction Edition

Volume 12, Issue 1 – Advocacy Edition