Alexandra Edwards - TMG

TMG IRIS Consultant Biography

TMG IRIS Consultant Name: Erin Dowling
Joined TMG: September 2022
Phone Number: 844-864-8987


Location & Experience

Other Experience:
Before joining TMG, I worked at United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Dane County for more than seven and a half years, where I coordinated respite services and youth resources programming. My focus was assisting families with hiring, training and supervising respite providers. I also worked with community partners such as childcare centers, afterschool programs, and youth centers on the inclusion of children with disabilities within their programs. I have several years of experience supporting individuals with challenging behaviors. It was always about communication and trying to figure out what the need was behind the behaviors. I spent four years working as a program coordinator through a residential support agency. I supported individuals with daily living tasks, coordinated appointments, managed program staff training/scheduling, and also worked closely with the individual's support team to ensure everyone was on the same page when it came to the individual's goals. 
County/Region I'm Familiar with: Dane
Languages or Communication Skills: English

More About Me

How do you Partner with people to 'clear the path ahead'? 
I believe in meeting someone where they are at, and developing a trusting relationship is the foundation for any partnership. As your TMG IRIS Consultant (IC), I will listen to what is most important to you, so that we can tailor your IRIS plan to work for you and your personal goals. My participant-centered style will assist individuals to empower themselves to do what they want to be successful and thrive in their community.

What's your favorite thing about being an IRIS consultant? 
Everyone has something valuable to contribute to their community, and every individual should be able to lead their own lives. I am energized to be working in a company and with colleagues who embrace this same philosophy. It is also humbling to come alongside someone's journey and help them realize their goals and dreams for the future!

What past experience prepared you to become an IRIS Consultant? 
My experiences in service coordination, inclusion and advocacy, working alongside adults with disabilities, and my own personal experiences have all prepared me for my position as a TMG IRIS Consultant.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my two kids and learning new things through their eyes. I also enjoy gardening (flower and vegetable), being in nature, going for walks, spending time with good friends, and camping.